RAScal Accessibility Reporting Software

Copyright © 2021, GlenRidge Construction Services, LLC.

Contact us for more information about RAScal

Please send an email to Glen Zoerner at:


We will be pleased to answer any questions about RAScal, including licensing, pricing or features.

We can also walk you through a quick tutorial in about 45 minutes


RAScal's History

RAScal development started in the fall of 2010 as a small project to simplify the paperwork tasks of a Texas RAS. The prototype was developed and quickly grew into a full-blown product. RAScal 1.3.4 was released in January, 2012. At that time, the TAS was new and RAS's were learning how to create plan reviews and inspection reports with the 2012 standard. Many comments and suggestions were received from RAScal customers and two new versions were released in 2012. RAScal was updated in January, 2013 as version 2.0.1. Those versions include a completely new database structure that supports multiple networked users.

Many new features were added during 2013, 2014 and 2015 in response to customer requests. Responding to the TDLR's system upgrade in December, 2018, and new forms in 2020 , GlenRidge Construction Services, LLC. is proud to introduce these features in RAScal 3.0.7.